My Story

My name is Raul Bambu. I am nature photographer and journalist. Here, on this website, you will see my photographic projects. 

My passion for photography started in 2013, when I was 15 years old. Since the end of 2015, I started to focus mainly on nature photography.

I combine hiking with nature photography. I’m looking for things especially in common places. I believe that common things can hide many secrets, if we are open to seeing them. I like to explore anonymous areas that are not yet on the „photo map”.  I want to find the „special thing” in the ordinary elements.

I go back to certain places dozens of times, just to catch them in a different way.

I learned photography on my own way, with many books about art and photography and a lot of feedback from photographers that I follow and appreciate.

I think that for me it’s more right title of „nature photographer wannabe”, because I am looking for a continuous evolution in photography. Ideally, this learning and development of my vision should never stop.

One of my mottos come from romanian marathonist Tiberiu Useriu:

„Why? Because we are alive and we can. The fact that we are free to do such a thing is a great privilege. All steps, one by one. Until where? Until to the end.”